Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What is Rapport?!

Hello readers. Today I'll be explaining about rapport. Some future techniques that I plan to write about will mention this word...

Rapport occurs when two or more people feel that they are in sync or on the same wavelength because they feel similar or relate well to each other. Rapport can occur naturaly between people, but today we'll be talking about inducing rapport.
The word rapport stems from the old French verb rapporter which means literally to carry something back and, in the sense of how people relate to each other means that what one person sends out the other sends back. For example, they may realize that they share similar values, beliefs, knowledge, or behaviors around politics, music or sports.
There are a number of techniques that are supposed to be beneficial in building rapport such as: matching your body language. maintaining eye contact; and matching breathing rhythm.

Building rapport is one of the most fundamental sales techniques. In sales, rapport is used to build relationships with others quickly and to gain their trust and confidence. It is a very powerful tool that veteran salespeople naturally employ, which allows them to close more deals with less effort.

There are a few methods for building rapport quickly.
1: Mirroring
2: Reciprocity rule
3: Commonality

First let's talk about mirroring. Mirroring is...well mirroring the person's body language. If a person has a relaxed stance( leg's wide open, hands at the side) You must mirror it. By doing so the subconscious mind of the person you're mirroring will say. "Hey, this guy is just like me, i like this guy."
Those are the basics. But you could also use upside down mirroring. Imagine that the person has his arms crossed. You cross your legs. It'll have the same effect, but it wont be so obvious.

Next is reciprocation. Basically reciprocation is receiving something then giving something to the giver. Exchanging gifts for example. The thing is that you can give something and that will make the person feel pressured to give something back. Let me give you an example. At every airport there are people from hare krishna or any other charity organization. Most of the times they come to people and give them a gift, like a flower or something else that's cheap. AND THEN they ask for a donation. I think you see where I'm going with this,

Then there is commonality. Commonality is the technique of deliberately finding something in common with a person or a customer in order to build a sense of camaraderie and trust. This is done through shared interests, dislikes, and situations.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Binaural beats. How do they work?

Hello people! Today we'll be talking about binaural beats.
Binaural beats, or binaural tones, are sounds that affect the brain and can induce numerous effects. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims coming from the alternative medicine community that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each tone: for example, if 300 Hz was played in one ear and 310 in the other, then the binaural beat would have a frequency of 10 Hz.
The brain produces a phenomenon resulting in low-frequency pulsations in the amplitude and sound localization of a perceived sound when two tones at slightly different frequencies are presented separately, one to each of a subject's ears, using stereo headphones. A beating tone will be perceived, as if the two tones mixed naturally, out of the brain. The frequencies of the tones must be below 1,000 hertz for the beating to be noticeable.
Binaural beats are of interest to neurophysiologists investigating the sense of hearing.
Binaural beats reportedly influence the brain in more subtle ways through the entrainment of brainwaves and provide other health benefits.

For example, this beat helps with concentration. I do not own this video.

There are many more beats all over the internet. Ones that deal with relaxation, improved learning and more. Check 'em out.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Breaking automatic thoughts or thinking patterns- The SWISH technique

Hello readers! Today I will be writing about the Swish pattern. It's an Nlp thinking pattern that can actually remove triggers and anchors. That translates to the possibility of removing phobias, stopping smoking and more.

Let's try it.

Let us say that you have a fear of dogs. Whenever you see a dog, your fear acts up and you see yourself getting bitten. In Nlp terms this would mean that the trigger is seeing a dog. And the anchor is feeling the state of fear. Now i'll give you a solution.

The trigger of seeing a dog works, so we wont change that. What we will change is the anchored state. Which in this case is fear. To do this we shall visualize a picture or a video of ourselves getting bitten( kinda scary, but stick with me). Now see the picture. is it big? Or is it small? If it's big your fear of dogs is quite noticeable.
Now. Keep seeing the picture, but now make another really small picture of the dog looking happy and ignoring you.(small steps.) and put it next to the biting one. Now you have the large one and small one.
Now imagine that the big picture makes a whoosh sound and is moved way back into the distance becoming smaller and at the same time the small good picture becomes as large as the previous one.

Do this at least 10 times then stop and start thinking about something else. It will set in at that time.

What this exercise will do is this. Whenever you will think of getting bitten you will have a hard time of keeping the visualization and it will be forced to become a peaceful image. Basically every response a person has to a trigger is learned, and if something is learned we can relearn it.
This technique has many uses. Let me count a few:

-Once you finish the dog techniques you can switch the picture of the dog ignoring you, to you going to the dog and petting him, but beware, not all dogs are friendly so think about what you do before you do it.

-Stopping smoking.
1.Imagine going in the store and buying a pack of cigarettes then replace the image with buying a pack of bubblegum.
2. Next imagine taking a cigarette and liting it, replace it with putting a bubblegum in your mouth. You'll chew a shitload of gums but it's better than smoking a ton. But these 2. swishes aren't enough to stop smoking. You have to recognise every trigger you have and switch the response. (Finishing eating, being nervous, end of class, drinking coffee.) to name a few.

Be original, think of what you want to achieve then do it. Standing still never got you anywhere so start running :)

This is it for today. If you have any questions leave them down below in the comments. If you don't want to talk about personal stuff and have them seen by everyone then add me on G+ and write me a private message, I'll respond when I see it.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What are anchors and how do I use them?

Hello readers! Today I will be talking about NLP anchors.

An anchor is a connection between a stimulus and an emotional response.
Let me give you an example. Imagine driving down a street and you come to a set of lights and it's suddenly green, you become happy or satisfied that you wont need to wait. If it turns red you become agitated or annoyed.
The good thing about these responses is that they can be programmed. You can easily create an anchor for yourself to become confident, happy or experience pretty much any emotion. The way you do this is pretty simple. And there are actually multiple ways of creating an anchor.

Way 1:  The next time you feel really confident or happy( maybe you won something, earned some money, or just felt really upbeat) you need to set an anchor. Which is a stimulus... The simplest way to do this would be to rub two fingers together. And if you do it a few times whenever you feel this way then It will be set.
From then on every time your rub together those two exact fingers you'll feel confident and happy. This pretty much works for any emotion. Test it out.

Way 2: This is the way to do it instantly without waiting for certain events in your life and it involves looking through some past memories. Remember a time when you were really happy and confident and pull it to the front. Start playing the memory and watch it like a movie through your own eyes. And while you're doing this keep rubbing two fingers together. Do this for a week a few times every day and voila. Instant confidence.

I have to say that this technique is a life changer. If you only try one technique from my blog, then make this one be the one you try.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Richard Bandler, the co-founder of NLP

Today I will be talking about a man by the name of Richard Bandler.
Bandler is a famous person on the field of neuro linguistic programming and all around hypnotherapy. Richard Bandler and co-founder John Grinder created the field of NLP way back in the 1970s. At first it only had a few theories and techniques but it began growing as more and more minds joined in. In 1975 the two wrote their first book on NLP with the title "The Structure of Magic I: A Book About Language and Therapy" Which talked about language patterns and advanced hypno therapy. Bandler went on writing books and has until now published more than ten books on the subject of hypnotherapy. The one book I'd like to give a special mention to would be Frogs into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming.

The book talks about transforming yourself. You guessed it! From a nobody into somebody. Becoming succesfull, learning mind tricks for becoming the best you can be. This book has it all. I own it and it taught me a lot. And now I'm teaching you :).

Anyways, the books kept coming out one by one, each better than the one previously. And today we have NLP practitioners all around the world. If you just google NLP seminar or NLP coaching you'll find them immediately- probably very close to your home.
NLP truly developed interestingly. It has self help techniques, techniques to help others and even language patterns that teach you to be an extremely persuasive individual.
But don't take my word for it. Buy or borrow a book on NLP and start reading! You'll gain a lot from it.


What is Neuro linguistic programming?

Hello readers! In the first two posts I answered the question of what is hypnosis and I taught you how to fall into a deep trance. These previous posts were more or less about the standard hypnosis that you see in the movies. But, today! I shall talk about something more recent. And that is NLP.
NLP is an abbreviation for neuro linguistic programming and in more layment terms it could be explained as simply "conversational hypnosis". It can be used without being in a state of trance.
NLP can be used for removing phobias, making bad memories dissappear into oblivion. Or even making us happier in general.

I'll give you some homework now :)
This is one of the first techniques you'll learn if you read a book about NLP.

Turning bad memories into neutral ones or even happy ones.
I have to explain a bit. NLP mostly deals with visual, kinetic and auditory memory.
To remove the negative feelings about the memory you have to actually change the memory itself.

1. Try reliving the traumatic memory right now. Notice if it's in color or if it's black and white.If it's in color it means you remember it quite clearly and are still quite traumatised from it.Now to disassociate yourself from the memory you need to change it's color. Try making it black and white and see if you feel the difference. It'll feel slightly better. 

2. Now that you changed the color it's time to disassociate yourself even more. Try looking at the memory from a third perspective. Imagine there was someone else there and try watching the scene from their perspective. It should be slightly or even moderately better

3. Now that you changed the color and perspective it's time to add some sounds or music. Don't use music you regularly listen to because adding music to a memory will associate the song with the memory and if it's a bad one(although you wont care about it as much soon). Listening to the song will make you remember it.The best kind of music is something stupid that will make you laugh. So add a circus tune, or even a stupid song you heard on the internet. If it's a drunk memory add a stupid song about beer. The options are limitless. Just make sure you wont hear it that often. 

4. Now this step is something I invented. I use it with memories that kind of bother me that I want to forget.Imagine the new changed memory( in black and white, different perspective and with music.) And start changing the size. make it smaller and smaller until it's just a little black speck right in front of you. Now grab it and throw it as far as you can until you can't see it anymore.

There. I just gave you four techniques that you can use to stop living in the past and make your life happier.
In the future I will post many more techniques, so you can program yourself to be the best you can be. Uninhibited by the bad things in life.

That's it for this post :) If you have any questions I will gladly answer them down below in the comments section. Enjoy your day.


  Click Here! and buy a book about NLP

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Falling into trance!

Last post I talked about Hypnosis and a bit about entering a trance. This post I will go a bit more in depth.
What is a trance?

A trance is an altered state of consciousness. In this state the subconscious mind becomes open to suggestions. Therefore we can while we're in a state of trance "program" ourselves to become whatever we want to. We could remove bad habits easily in just a few sessions or instill new better ones. The options for our self development are really limitless.

Now onto the good stuff! How to fall into trance.

1. Sit comfortably. Do not lie down because you might fall asleep.

2. Breathe in for a count of six, hold for a count of six and then exhale for a count of six. Do this breathing until you are completely relaxed. Ideally, you should no longer be able to feel your body.

3. Imagine you are climbing down a ladder in the dark. Don’t visualize a ladder; just imagine you can feel yourself doing it. On the exhale, feel yourself climbing a step or two down the ladder. On the inhale, feel yourself holding still on the ladder.

4. Now, let go of the ladder and free fall backwards. If you get dizzy or disoriented, just bring your attention to the front of your body and this will stop. This mental falling effect, when combined with deep relaxation and mental calmness, will cause you to enter the trance state.

 5. Keep doing this for as long as it takes. The time it takes to enter trance will vary, depending on your experience with deep relaxation and mental calmness.

6. To bring yourself out of the trance: Concentrate on moving your fingers or toes. Once you can move a finger or toe, flex your hands, move your arms, shake your head, i.e., reanimate your body; and get up and walk around for a few minutes.

And that is how you fall into trance. Having complete silence while you go into trance is optimal as any loud noises can wake you quite abruptly and that can have a negative effect on you. So be careful.
While you're in trance,  you or someone else can input suggestions in your head. Although be careful who you trust with your mind in this fragile state. It's best that you do it on your own or have it done by a qualified proffessional. If you do it on your own, dont improvise. Write down what you want to change about yourself then commit it to memory and focus on it while you're in trance. Results should be noticeable in a few days or even sooner, depending on what you programmed yourself with.

Click Here! for a beginner hypnosis course. 

What is hypnosis and how are we hypnotised?

Hello readers! For my first post I decided to explain a bit about hypnosis. Well, let me get on with it.

To put it simply, Hypnosis is an altered state of mind. It is a state of awareness, that sometimes resembles sleep. But only on the surface. While hypnotised, people can easily concentrate on things that the one doing the hypnotising wants them to think about. Therefore by altering their thought's on the topic people will suddenly have a change of heart about something. As in stop smoking, start eating healthy or even be more hardworking. The options are truly limitless for your self development with hypnosis. Of course you can also hypnotise yourself. And in future posts I shall teach you a few techniques that I used on myself and people around me with great sucess.

Let me explain about the actual process of hypnotism. 
First of all, to start being hypnotised you need to be relaxed (relaxation doesn't matter for some more advanced techniques). You simply lay down, or even sit down in a comfortable chair and close your eyes. Then the hypnotist or yourself for that matter starts putting you in a deep state of relaxation. The hypnotist states a few sentences to put you in an almost sleeping state.

(You are sleepy, All your muscles are relaxing. Feel your toes relax, The relaxation continues upwards from your toes to your feet...) and so on.

Once you are in a deep state of hypnosis the changing begins. The hypnotist gives you instructions or inducts new thoughts into your brain. Such as "cats are friendly animals, you like cats." And that is not all. When you are hypnotised visualization comes naturally. The hypnotist might say. "You see a cat, It looks friendly and it's wearing a tophat." Which will show pictures to the person being hypnotised and from then on whenever they see a cat, they will remember what they imagined and seeing a cat will become funny to them as they will always see it in their mind with a tophat looking all important like and purring :). It might sound strange, but it in fact does work. And it works really well.
Changing bad memories into neutral or happy ones is quite simple aswell, But i'll leave that for a future post ;)

This is it for today's post,
