Monday, February 17, 2014

What is Neuro linguistic programming?

Hello readers! In the first two posts I answered the question of what is hypnosis and I taught you how to fall into a deep trance. These previous posts were more or less about the standard hypnosis that you see in the movies. But, today! I shall talk about something more recent. And that is NLP.
NLP is an abbreviation for neuro linguistic programming and in more layment terms it could be explained as simply "conversational hypnosis". It can be used without being in a state of trance.
NLP can be used for removing phobias, making bad memories dissappear into oblivion. Or even making us happier in general.

I'll give you some homework now :)
This is one of the first techniques you'll learn if you read a book about NLP.

Turning bad memories into neutral ones or even happy ones.
I have to explain a bit. NLP mostly deals with visual, kinetic and auditory memory.
To remove the negative feelings about the memory you have to actually change the memory itself.

1. Try reliving the traumatic memory right now. Notice if it's in color or if it's black and white.If it's in color it means you remember it quite clearly and are still quite traumatised from it.Now to disassociate yourself from the memory you need to change it's color. Try making it black and white and see if you feel the difference. It'll feel slightly better. 

2. Now that you changed the color it's time to disassociate yourself even more. Try looking at the memory from a third perspective. Imagine there was someone else there and try watching the scene from their perspective. It should be slightly or even moderately better

3. Now that you changed the color and perspective it's time to add some sounds or music. Don't use music you regularly listen to because adding music to a memory will associate the song with the memory and if it's a bad one(although you wont care about it as much soon). Listening to the song will make you remember it.The best kind of music is something stupid that will make you laugh. So add a circus tune, or even a stupid song you heard on the internet. If it's a drunk memory add a stupid song about beer. The options are limitless. Just make sure you wont hear it that often. 

4. Now this step is something I invented. I use it with memories that kind of bother me that I want to forget.Imagine the new changed memory( in black and white, different perspective and with music.) And start changing the size. make it smaller and smaller until it's just a little black speck right in front of you. Now grab it and throw it as far as you can until you can't see it anymore.

There. I just gave you four techniques that you can use to stop living in the past and make your life happier.
In the future I will post many more techniques, so you can program yourself to be the best you can be. Uninhibited by the bad things in life.

That's it for this post :) If you have any questions I will gladly answer them down below in the comments section. Enjoy your day.


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